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What looks much like craggy mountains on a moonlit evening is actually the edge of a nearby, young, star-forming region NGC 3324 in the Carina Nebula. Captured in infrared light by the Near-Infrared Camera (NIRCam) on NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, this image reveals previously obscured areas of star birth.
Called the Cosmic Cliffs, the region is actually the edge of a gigantic, gaseous cavity within NGC 3324, roughly 7,600 light-years away. The cavernous area has been carved from the nebula by the intense ultraviolet radiation and stellar winds from extremely massive, hot, young stars located in the center of the bubble, above the area shown in this image. The high-energy radiation from these stars is sculpting the nebula’s wall by slowly eroding it away.
NIRCam – with its crisp resolution and unparalleled sensitivity – unveils hundreds of previously hidden stars, and even numerous background galaxies. Several prominent features in this image are described below.
• The “steam” that appears to rise from the celestial “mountains” is actually hot, ionized gas and hot dust streaming away from the nebula due to intense, ultraviolet radiation.
• Dramatic pillars rise above the glowing wall of gas, resisting the blistering ultraviolet radiation from the young stars.
• Bubbles and cavities are being blown by the intense radiation and stellar winds of newborn stars.
• Protostellar jets and outflows, which appear in gold, shoot from dust-enshrouded, nascent stars.
• A “blow-out” erupts at the top-center of the ridge, spewing gas and dust into the interstellar medium.
• An unusual “arch” appears, looking like a bent-over cylinder.
This period of very early star formation is difficult to capture because, for an individual star, it lasts only about 50,000 to 100,000 years – but Webb’s extreme sensitivity and exquisite spatial resolution have chronicled this rare event.

Carina Nebula

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Carina Nebula

The Carina Nebula, also known as NGC 3372, is one of the largest star-forming regions in our galaxy. Located in the constellation Carina, it lies approximately 8,500 light-years away from Earth. Spanning over 300 light-years, the Carina Nebula is notable for its bright, expansive clouds of gas and dust that facilitate the birth of new stars.

The Carina Nebula holds several fascinating features and significant attributes:

Key Features:

Massive Stars and Star Clusters:
Eta Carinae: One of the most massive and volatile stars in the galaxy, Eta Carinae is located within the Carina Nebula. Known for its unstable nature, Eta Carinae experienced a Great Eruption in the 19th century, temporarily becoming the second brightest star in the sky.
Trumpler 14 and Trumpler 16: These are two of the prominent star clusters within the nebula, each housing a multitude of young, massive stars.

Star Formation:

The Carina Nebula is an active star-forming region, with intense stellar winds and radiation from newborn stars sculpting the surrounding clouds of gas and dust into a variety of complex and dramatic shapes.

Pillars and Dark Clouds:

Similar to the Pillars of Creation found in the Eagle Nebula, the Carina Nebula also boasts towering columns of gas and dust. These pillars are nurseries for new stars, with dense knots within them potentially forming new stars over time.

Scientific Significance:

Astrophysical Laboratory:
The nebula serves as a natural laboratory for astronomers to study the processes of star formation and early stellar evolution.
Observational Highlights:
Being one of the brightest and most active star-forming regions visible from the Southern Hemisphere, it provides ample data for research through various telescopes and observatories, such as the Hubble Space Telescope.
Supernova Ejecta:
The nebula contains remnants of supernova explosions, which are crucial for understanding the life cycles of massive stars and the enrichment of the interstellar medium.


Hubble Space Telescope: The Hubble has provided some of the most detailed and breathtaking images of the Carina Nebula, highlighting its intricate structures and dynamic processes.
James Webb Space Telescope: The next-generation telescope is expected to further our understanding by peering through the nebula’s dense clouds with its advanced infrared capabilities.